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Bank | 0BTC | Balance | BTC | Referrals | 0 |
Bets | 5698734098 | Bets | 0 | Bets | 0 |
Wagered | 0 | Wagered | 0 BTC | Wagered | 0 BTC |
Last Rain | 1.2 Minutes | Profit | 0 BTC | Paid on | 0 BTC |
Max Profit | 0 BTC Site Stats | % Wins | 0 Your Stats | Earnings | 0 BTC Your Earnings |
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You can earn by referring people to the site with your own referral link:
50% of the house edge of EVERY bet made by EVERYONE you refer gets added to your balance (50% x 0.1% = 0.05% of all bets). Whether they win or lose the bet, you still earn money.
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We believe it's important for our visitors to be able to try out our casino. So, from time to time we will activate a Bitcoin faucet.
You can claim a small number of Bitcoin from the faucet for free. This way, you can try out the casino, learn the features and get used to the controls without risking any money.
A claim can be made once per account, once per IP, once per 2.5 minutes.
Bots are prohibited. You will be banned if you automate this process.
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Bets are guaranteed to be fair because the seeds for the bet are known before you bet.
The formula is
Verify your Last Secret Number (set 0 if first bet) and convert to Nonce
Server Seed + Client Seed + Nonce
Get SHA256 hash the result
At this point, Convert 10 characters of that hash to a Number so-called decimal number.
Find the value's modulus of 1 million (1000000)
The modulus is the bet result as Secret Number!
You are given the server seed's hash. Once the bet has been placed, the server seed is available, and you can verify the fairness of the bet. For automated bets, all bets are made using the same server seed.
The current server seed hash is
Here is the actual javascript function this site uses (error handling stripped out)
And here is some PHP code (without any error checking) you could also use to verify results
This site pays 99.9%. That's a house edge of only 0.1%.
It was inspired by others, and intended to be even simpler - as simple as possible! Just betting. That's it.
But their house edge is a full 1%, and ours is 0.1%. That's not a statistical difference of 0.9%... it is a statistical difference of 900% (10 times closer to "perfect equality"!)
There are no commissions or fees (other than DOGE'sbuilt-in transaction fee - there's no way to avoid that!). Deposits do not require any confirmations before being credited to your account. Most withdrawals are processed immediately.
This site is fully funded by private investors. No further investments in the site are currently available.
The game is simple.
Select your bet size and your chance to win. The potential profit for your bet will appear.
Then place your bet, either high or low.
A number between 0 and 999,999 is generated. If the number falls within the high/low range you selected, you win.
You can earn by referring people to the site with your own referral link: http://999dice.net/?1739285876
50% of the house edge of EVERY bet made by EVERYONE you refer gets added to your balance (50% x 0.1% = 0.05% of allbets). Whether they win or lose the bet, you still earn money.
Total wagered by your referrals is 0.00000000
Total paid to you is 0.00000000
Do not spam other dice sites. You can put the link in a signature, or email and skype it to all your friends, but don't spam. This site is new, but there are lots of betters to go around. Do it legit. Referrals
If you have any questions, suggestions or run into any troubles, feel free to contact the site owner by typing your message below. If you want a response, make sure to provide an email address in the message or under the "Accounts" tab. The site owner is often available in the "Chat" tab too as "Admin (999999999)". .
+ =
An API for programmers to integrate with the site is now available. A sample bot is included.
Your API key is
Documentation : http://999dice.net/document
End Point URL : http://999dice.net/api
For questions, bug reports, feature requests, or any other help, please get in touch using the Contact tab.